[TRANS] 12.06.05 Joynews Interview Part 1 – EXO-K : “Kalian Tidak Bisa Meloloskan Diri Dari Pesona Kami”
Joynews Interview Part 1 – EXO-K :”You won’t be able to escape from our charms”
Boygrup baru SM berada tengah topik hangat semenjak debut mereka
diumumkan. SM, ‘Master Para Idola ‘, telah merilis sebuah grup baru dan
perhatian dari penggemar dan perwakilan musik sangat luar biasa.
EXO berbeda dari awal. Urutan member EXO yang diungkap berbeda
dibandingkan dengan promosi grup idola lain. Para member tidak diungkap
sekaligus namun diungkap satu per satu melalui foto dan teaser video,
dimulai dengan Kai. Sudah 100 hari sejak teaser pertama mereka dirilis
hingga hingga akhirnya mereka debut. Seperti pepatah ‘beruang tumbuh
dengan makan Artemesia dan bawang putih’, EXO tumbuh dengan makan teaser
dan foto.
Diikuti oleh rajanya para remaja, legenda idola, dewa dari timur,
hujan super industri musik, shining idols; masa depan SM yang baru
adalah para lelaki dari dunia asing yang memiliki kekuatan super. Mereka
dibagi menjadi K dan M untuk mengambil alih dunia.
Kami pertama bertemu dengan EXO-K, yang terdiri dari Kai, Suho,
Baekhyun, Chanyeol, Sehun dan DO. Mereka memulai debutnya dengan lagu
Keenam member memiliki keterampilan khusus mereka sendiri. Kai
memiliki kemampuan teleportasi, Sehun mengontrol angin, Suho mengontrol
air, Baekhyun mengontrol cahaya, Chanyeol mengontrol api, dan DO
mengontrol kekuatan.
Suho menyatakan, “Meskipun kita tampak bodoh dan kekanak-kanakan, aku
masih bangga karenanya.” Sang Leader berbicara dengan kepercayaan diri
sepenuhnya. Kai juga berkata, “Ini cukup sulit dipercaya. Ini luar biasa
namun kami benar-benar memiliki kekuatan super.”
Ketika ditanya apa yang mereka pikir tentang kekuatan yang lain, Kai menyatakan, “Meskipun
aku puas dengan kekuatanku sendiri, aku agak iri kekuatan Tao EXO-M.
Mampu untuk tidur dan banyak beristirahat, dan bahkan sanggup memutar
mundur waktu dan melakukan pekerjaan yang lebih baik pada siaran
langsung program musik. Saya berharap itu nyata.” Dan Baekhyun juga menambahkan, “Aku
cemburu dengan kekuatan Luhan EXO-M. Karena ketika kita malas kita bisa
memindahkan barang-barang menuju ke arah diri kita sendiri”, dia berbicara sambil tertawa.
Boygroup baru SM telah menerima banyak perhatian seperti senior
mereka, TVXQ, Super Junior, SHINee, antara lain. Dan mereka mengaku
bahwa itu beban besar.
“Ada beban yang besar pada dada kami, tentu saja. Karena semua
senior kami melakukannya dengan baik, kita bertanya-tanya apakah kita
dapat melakukan hal yang sama dengan mereka. Dan juga karena promosi
selama 100 hari, harapan melonjak sangat tinggi, jadi kami sangat
khawatir. Tapi selama periode penantian kami, kami bekerja sangat keras,
“ Chanyeol menyatakan.
“Tentu saja ada banyak beban pada kami. Kami semua menghabiskan
waktu cukup lama di perusahaan dan kami semua ingin menjadi seperti
senior kami,. Jadi ada banyak kekhawatiran. Akan lebih bagus jika kami
bisa sebagus senior kami.” (tersenyum)
Perhatian yang mereka terima semakin besar karena sudah cukup lama
semenjak debut grup terbaru SM itu. Kami bahkan melihat SHINee
sepenuhnya sedang memantau stage EXO-K di KBS 2TV Music Bank dan
memberi mereka nasihat, yang menebarkan suasana hangat.
“Senior U-Know Yunho menelfon kami setelah debut stage pertama
kami di ‘Inkigayo’. Dia menelfon setelah memantau kami selama dia
tinggal di Jepang untuk konser di Tokyo Dome,” kata Chanyeol, tampaknya kewalahan. “Kami
mendengarkan bersama-sama dengan speakerphone di ruang latihan. Itu
sangat menyentuh karena ia memberikan nasihat kepada setiap anggota.”
EXO-M dan EXO-K adalah seperti sebuah tim keluarga meskipun fakta
mengatalan bahwa EXO-M berada jauh di Cina. Ketika ditanya tentang
EXO-M, mereka memberi kita jawaban yang serius.
“Brothers (EXO-M)? Mereka adalah setengah bagian dari kami yang
lain. Karena kita adalah satu tim.. Kupikir kami juga dapat
mengibaratkan mereka seperti refleksi diri kami di air atau cermin??
Kami sedang melakukan apa yang kami sanggup lakukan di Korea dan Cina,
tapi kupikir kami bisa lebih baik jika bersama-sama di atas stage. “
EXO-K tidak merasakan kendala bahasa dengan EXO-M meskipun ada dua
anggota Korea (Chen dan Xiumin) dalam grup. Mereka membuat kita tertawa
dengan mengatakan “Kami harus meningkatkan Bahasa Cina kami jika
sedang ada member Cina namun lebih seperti kami belajar bahasa Korea
karena mereka begitu baik dalam bahasa Korea.“
“EXO-K dan M menggunakan bahasa yang berbeda, visual dan
atmosfir suasana juga berbeda. Nada lagu dan penampilan yang berbeda
juga.. Jika Anda mendengarkan K dan M, lagu-lagu terasa benar-benar
berbeda. Kupikir titik kekuatan EXO adalah menjadi satu tim dengan daya
tarik yang sama sekali berbeda.” (Suho)
Telah ada banyak sekali grup baru pada tahun 2012. Apa senjata EXO untuk tetap berada di atas para boygroup tersebut? Baekhyun menjelaskan, “Bagian terbaik adalah memiliki K dan M yang berpromosi pada saat yang sama dengan satu lagu tetapi dalam bahasa yang berbeda.” Chanyeol tertawa setelah mengatakan “Setiap grup idola memiliki perwakilan visual namun kami, semua member EXO-K adalah perwakilan visual, dan ini jahanam. Kalian tidak bisa lepas dari itu,.” Dan menunjukkan tatapan intens.
“Tujuan kami untuk tahun ini adalah penghargaan Rookie. EXO-K
akan bekerja lebih keras dengan promosi. Kami akan menunjukkan sisi
kerja keras kami untuk menanggapi banyaknya cinta yang kalian berikan
pada kami. Dan kami akan selalu menjadi EXO-K yang sederhana. Kami akam
menjadi grup yang cool yang tidak akan kehilangan akarnya dan selalu
sopan. “
Keenam lelaki energik yang datang dari luar angkasa telah mulai mengambil alih industri musik Korea. EXO-K ini ‘bintang seperti bumi‘ dan ‘sejarah yang dibuat oleh enam anak laki-laki” dimulai sekarang.
SM’s new boy group has been standing in the middle of hot topics
since their debut was announced. SM, the ‘Master of Idols’, has released
a new group and the attention being received by fans and music
representatives is explosive.
EXO has been different from the start. The order of which the members
of EXO were revealed was different compared to other idol groups’
promotions. The members have been revealed one by one through photos and
teasers instead of being revealed at once, starting with Kai. It has
been 100 days from the start of their teasers till their debut stage,
the showcase. Just like the saying ‘bears grow by eating artemesia and
garlic’, EXO grew up by eating teasers and photos.
Followed by the kings of teenagers, the myth of idols, a god from the
east, a super rainfall of the music industry, shining idols; SM’s new
future are the boys from the alien world who possess superpowers. They
are divided into K and M to take over the world.
We firstly met up with EXO-K, which consists of Kai, Suho, Baekhyun, Chanyeol, Sehun and D.O. They debuted with the song ‘MAMA’.
All six members have their own special skills. Kai has teleportation
skills, Sehun controls wind, Suho controls water, Baekhyun controls
light, Chanyeol controls fire, and D.O controls strength.
Suho has stated, “Even though we look silly and childish, I’m still
proud of it.” The leader spoke with utmost confidence. Kai has also
said, “It’s quite unbelievable. Its unbelievable but we really do have
When asked what they thought about other people’s powers, Kai had
stated, “Even though I’m satisified with my own powers, I’m somewhat
jealous of EXO-M’s Tao’s power. Being able to sleep and rest a lot, and
even being able to rewind time and do a better job at the live
broadcasts of music programs. I wish it was real,” and Baekhyun had also
added, “I’m jealous of EXO-M’s Luhan’s power. Because when we’re lazy
we can just move things towards ourselves,” he spoke while laughing.
SM’s new boygroup has been receiving as much attention as their
seniors, TVXQ, Super Junior, SHINee, amongst others. And that is when
they had confessed that it was a huge burden.
“There is a huge burden on our chests, of course. Because all of our
seniors are doing so well, we sort of wonder if we can do the same. And
also because of the 100 day promotion, all expectations shot up really
high, so we were extremely worried. But it seems as if during the period
of our waiting, we worked really hard,” Chanyeol had stated.
“Of course there were lots of burdens on us. We all spent quite a
while in the company and we all want to be like our seniors, so there
were a lot of worries. It would be great if we could be as good as our
seniors. (smiles)”
The attention they’ve been receiving is getting bigger as it’s been a
while since SM’s latest group debut. We even spotted SHINee fully
monitoring EXO-K’s stage at KBS 2TV’s Music Bank and giving them advice,
which gave off a heartwarming atmosphere.
“Senior U-Know Yunho called us after our first broadcast on
‘Inkigayo’. He called after monitoring us during his stay in Japan for
his concert at Tokyo Dome,” Chanyeol said, seemingly overwhelmed. “We
listened to it together in the practice room on speakerphone. It was
touching because he gave advice to each member.”
EXO-M and EXO-K are like a team yet a family despite the fact that
EXO-M are far away in China. When asked about EXO-M, they had given us a
serious answer.
“Brothers? It’s our other half. Since we are one team. I think we can
also call them our reflection in the water or a mirror? We are
currently doing what we can in Korea and China, but I think we can do
better on stage together.”
EXO-K does not feel a language barrier with EXO-M even though there
are two Korean members (Chen and Xiumin) within the group. They made us
laugh by saying “We have to improve our Chinese if the Chinese members
are there but it’s more like us learning Korean since they are so good
in Korean.”
“K and M use different languages, and the visuals and atmosphere is
also different. The tone of the songs and performances are different as
well. If you listen to K and M, the songs feel completely different. I
think EXO’s strong point is being one team with completely different
charms.” (Suho)
There has been flood of boy groups in 2012. What is EXO’s weapon to stay on top of those male idol groups? Baekhyun explained, “The best part is having K and M promoting at the same time with one song but in different languages.” Chanyeol caused laughter after saying “Each idol group has a visual representative but us EXO-K are all visual representatives,” and “It’s an ant hell. You cannot escape from it,” and showing his intense gaze.
There has been flood of boy groups in 2012. What is EXO’s weapon to stay on top of those male idol groups? Baekhyun explained, “The best part is having K and M promoting at the same time with one song but in different languages.” Chanyeol caused laughter after saying “Each idol group has a visual representative but us EXO-K are all visual representatives,” and “It’s an ant hell. You cannot escape from it,” and showing his intense gaze.
“Our goal for this year is the Rookie Award. EXO-K will work harder
with promotions. We will show our hardworking sides by responding to the
big amount of love you’re giving us. And we will always be a modest
EXO-K. We will become a cool group that will not lose its roots and is
always well-mannered.”
The energetic six boys coming from outer space have already started
taking over the Korean music industry. EXO-K’s ‘this star like the
earth’ and ‘the history created by six boys’ starts now.
Source: Joynews
Translation: xiushipao + sunnybun @ CODE:EXO
Reup: jean22s @ CODE:EXO
Editor: luluhyung @ CODE:EXO
Source: Joynews
Translation: xiushipao + sunnybun @ CODE:EXO
Reup: jean22s @ CODE:EXO
Editor: luluhyung @ CODE:EXO
Indo Trans : richan @ EXOnesia
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